What is Saphir Oasis?

Saphir Oasis is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization designed to bring together the people of El Paso County, El Paso, Texas for the purpose of learning the principles and practices for growing their own healthy food in this arid Chihuahuan Desert soil. 
Our vision is to see our community pull together and learn to grow and harvest their own nutrient-packed crops.

Our Mission

  • To help our community understand Permaculture* through education and hands-on practice
  • To teach people of all ages how to produce healthy and nutritious crops
  • To demonstrate growing and harvesting techniques in a food oasis in the Chihuahuan Desert

Our Goals

  • To teach the principles and practices of Permaculture to citizens of El Paso County, El Paso Texas
  • To encourage citizens of El Paso County, El Paso, Texas to grow and harvest their own wholesome and nourishing garden crops
  • To use farm animals to help us achieve fertile soils to keep the garden crops growing with all the nutrients they need


My name is Jennifer Segura and I am the originating founder and CEO of Saphir Oasis.
I am originally from Houston, but moved to El Paso, TX during my early twenties. While living here I fell in love with gardening, and that passion grew even more about 10 years ago. While I watched my family grow, I became more aware of what we were feeding our bodies, and I dove even deeper into the dream of growing my own food. When I came across Permaculture, and its values, principles, and everything that it encompasses, I felt a strong calling that everyone in this area would benefit from an urban food forest. 
My passion is to educate our community for those that are willing to learn about how to grow their own food at their own homes or in a our community garden! I am very excited to work with this beautiful community and be a part of growing a natural food oasis in our Chihuahuan Desert.
I hope you’ll join us!
❤  Jennifer Segura, Founder and CEO

Our Founders

Jennifer Segura

Julia Martin

Julia Martin

Rex Bilson